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人血清中血清胱抑素C,5.48±0.15 mg/L(国际临床化学联合会IFCC参考物质)
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51720 ERM-DA471K/IFCC 人血清中血清胱抑素C,5.48±0.15 mg/L(国际临床化学联合会IFCC参考物质) 欧洲 有证书 ,小瓶 咨 询
Cystatin C in human serum
Each sample consists of lyophilised human serum spiked with cystatin C. It contains the following additives:
4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (HEPES), sodium azide, benzamidine chloride and aprotinin.
The material is kept under nitrogen gas in siliconised glass vials. Mass concentration measured in the
reconstituted material
Certified value ................................ 5.48 ± 0.15 mg/L
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