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Boron-10 spike, aqueous solution(硼-10,硼同位素溶液)
ID 产品编号 名称 英文名 CAS编号 产地 规格 询问
425706 IRMM-610 Boron-10 spike, aqueous solution(硼-10,硼同位素溶液) 详见产品 咨 询
CRM code:IRMM-610
Description on the invoice:10B AQUEOUS SOLUTION
Sales unit:vial
Net mass:5.000
Gross mass:20.000
Mass unit:Gram (g)
Storage temperature:+18 °C
3.683 11(88) · 10-6 mol (10B) · g-1 (solution)

The Spike Isotopic Reference Material is supplied with an isotope amount content of 10B certified as above.

The amount of other boron isotopes present are related to the 10B content through the following certified amount ratio:

n(10B)/n(11B ) : 18.80(2)

This corresponds to an isotopic composition with the following abundances :

amount fraction (·100)

mass fraction (·100)


94.949 5(51)


94.474 7(56)


5.050 5(51)


5.525 3(56)

The molar mass of the boron in this sample is 10.063 259(51) g·mol-1

From the certified values, the following amount and mass contents are derived:

3.879 02(95) ·10-6  mol (B) · g-1 (solution) 

3.903 56(96) · 10-5 g (B) · g-1 (solution)

3.687 87(88) · 10-5 g (10B) · g-1 (solution)


1. All uncertainties indicated are expanded uncertainties U = k·uc where uc is the combined standard uncertainty estimated following the ISO/BIPM Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. They are given in parentheses and include a coverage factor k=2. They apply to the last two digits of the value. The values certified are traceable to the S I.

2. IRMM-610 consists of flame-sealed quartz glass ampoules containing about 5 mL of a chemically stable solution of boric acid (H3BO3) in sub-boiled water.

3. The atomic masses, used in the calculations, are 1

10B : 10.012 937 1(6) g·mol-1
11B : 11.009 305 5(8) g·mol-1

4. Using this Spike Isotopic Reference Material, the 11B and B content in an unknown sample can be determined by Isotope Dilution, through a measurement of the isotope amount ratio R(B) = n(10B)/n(11B) in a blend. It should be computed with the aid of the following equation which enables an easy quantification of the uncertainty sources in the procedure :


R( X )


amount ratio n(10B)/n(11B) in the unknown sample material X

R(Y )


amount ratio n(10B)/n(11B) in the spike material Y

c(11B, X )


amount content of 11B · kg-1 sample material

c(10B,Y )


amount content of 10B· kg-1 spike solution

m( X )


mass of the unknown sample used in the measurement

m(Y )


mass of the sample of spike solution used in the measurement

c(B, X )


amount content of B · kg-1  sample material

c(B,Y )


amount content of B · kg-1  spike solution.

5. The values of this Spike Isotopic Reference Material are traceable to the S I in the shortest possible way. Measurements calibrated against these Isotopic Reference Materials have therefore the potential of being traceable to the SI.

Metrological aspects involved in the preparation and certification were performed by F Hendrickx. The ampoulation of this Isotopic Reference Material (Spike) was accomplished by W Lycke, A Verbruggen and A Alonso-Muñoz.

The purity of H3BO3 was determined by Spark Source Mass Spectrometry by W Lycke.

The co-ordination of the preparation of this Isotopic Reference Material (Spike) was accomplished by A Verbruggen.

The overall co-ordination of the establishment leading to the certification and issuance of this Isotopic Reference Material (Spike) was performed by A Lamberty.

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