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硝酸镁基质改性剂,Mg(NO3)2 Matrix Modifier for Graphite Furnace AA, 1%
ID 产品编号 名称 英文名 CAS编号 产地 规格 询问
527275 PE-B0190634 硝酸镁基质改性剂,Mg(NO3)2 Matrix Modifier for Graphite Furnace AA, 1% PE 100ml 咨 询
The magnesium nitrate matrix modifier, with concentration 1% as nitrate, is used for atomic absorption THGA graphite furnaces.

Bottle contains 100 mL of matrix modifier.

Matrix modification decreases the volatility of the analyte element and prevents its loss during thermal pretreatment. This also allows application of higher pretreatment temperatures for better matrix removal. It also increases the volatility of matrix components and promotes their removal before atomization.
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