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ID 产品编号 名称 英文名 CAS编号 产地 规格 询问
51706 BCR-486 人纯化甲胎蛋白(AFP) 欧洲 人纯化甲胎蛋白(AFP),标准物质,有证书 ,100μg /安瓶,冻干粉 咨 询
Alphafoetoprotein (AFP), human purified
Each sample is in the lyophilised form and it contains purified AFP without additives 不含添加剂的纯化甲胎蛋白冻干粉 . The material is kept under nitrogen gas in sealed glass ampoules. The protein mass per ampoule is equivalent to 100 ± 9 μg when the material is reconstituted. Carbohydrate mass of the molecule is not included.
Protein mass per ampoule ....................... 100 ± 9 μg
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